The door’s always open…

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Would you like to write a guest post and be featured on this blog?

If you are a writer, artist or photographer…

If you have a poem, story or memoirs to share…

If you have a book to promote, a character to introduce, an exhibition or event to publicise…

If you have advice for writers, artists or bloggers…

If you would like to meet new members of the blogging community…

Why not be my guest?

I don’t bite and I don’t charge.

I am also hoping that more people will share their true experiences with those elusive realities that hover on the edge of perception.

You can find a list HERE of all the contributions so far to this series.

If you have had a strange experience or encounter that you would like to share, please get in touch.

I am not looking for sensationalism or fictional tales… but in…

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