#writephoto regulars: Alethea Kehas from Not Tomatoes

Sue Vincent graciously offered to share guest posts from her regular #writephoto prompt participants, so I took her up on the offer:

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

I asked the writephoto challenge regulars if they would like to come over and introduce themselves. I would like to introduce my friend, Alethea Kehas who blogs at Not Tomatoes.

Without those of you who write and read the pieces inspired by the weekly photos, thewritephoto prompt would not exist. So, if you follow or take part in the weekly challenge, why come over and introduce yourself too? Just drop me a line…

I’ve decided to take Sue up on her offer to write a post as one of her #writephoto regulars. Yesterday, a friend of mine stayed for tea after attending my Tuesday morning yoga class. She’s lived about two decades longer than I have yet to live and she remarked how she has reached the point of her life when she really does not care, at all, what other people think. I replied that I mostly don’t care…

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